Finding Your Purchase Group: Summary And Next Steps

Finding Your Purchase Group: Summary And Next Steps

That’s all of step one and finding your purchasing group for co-ownership. This step can take a lot of time depending on a number of factors but, as it is the first step, it’s one of the most important. You need to work hard and dig deep to solidify your purchasing group and ensure the success of your co-ownership purchase.

Finding Your Purchase Group: Sketching Your Ideal Home Together

Finding Your Purchase Group: Sketching Your Ideal Home Together

Now that you have a clearer sense of your own needs, wants, and dreams in co-purchasing a home, and you’ve found a group of people that share your vision of co-ownership, you can assess and discuss your compatibility with your co-purchasing group. The more detailed and clear your ideas are, the easier they will be to convey to others.

Finding Your Purchase Group: Getting Creative About Cooperative Living

Finding Your Purchase Group: Getting Creative About Cooperative Living

There is a broad spectrum of co-purchasing relationships. You and your potential co-purchasers get to decide where you fit on that spectrum, and develop your own shared goals for your home. You might be entering into this process with friends or family members, or with complete strangers.

Finding Your Purchase Group: What Do You Want?

Finding Your Purchase Group: What Do You Want?

There is a broad spectrum of co-purchasing relationships. You and your potential co-purchasers get to decide where you fit on that spectrum, and develop your own shared goals for your home. You might be entering into this process with friends or family members, or with complete strangers.

Finding Your Purchase Group: Introduction

Finding Your Purchase Group: Introduction

Co-purchasing is a significant commitment that can have high stakes. You and your group will jointly manage what may be your most important asset, and this project must be undertaken with care and planning to be successful. Every group is different and you will develop your own models and methods to facilitate the functioning of your home.

The Single Moms Merger

The Single Moms Merger

With good planning, your co-ownership purchase can be a profound and rewarding experience. The following are 3 entries are studies from groups who co-purchased their homes. While not all of these groups remain together, their stories demonstrate the importance of preparation and following the 5 Steps. Check out how Two Mothers fared in this case study example!

Multigenerational Magic

Multigenerational Magic

With good planning, your co-ownership purchase can be a profound and rewarding experience. The following are 3 entries are studies from groups who co-purchased their homes. While not all of these groups remain together, their stories demonstrate the importance of preparation and following the 5 Steps. Check out how Two Generations fared in this case study example!

The Golden Girls

The Golden Girls

With good planning, your co-ownership purchase can be a profound and rewarding experience. The following are 3 entries are studies from groups who co-purchased their homes. While not all of these groups remain together, their stories demonstrate the importance of preparation and following the 5 Steps. Check out how the Golden Girls fared in this case study example!

The Five Steps To Co-Ownership

The Five Steps To Co-Ownership

Our collective experience as a team has taught us that the path to co-purchasing real estate should be completed in five steps in a specific order. When beginning a real estate journey, you may be tempted to jump right ahead and look at houses and begin to envision your dream home. Unfortunately, co-ownership in real estate is a bit more complicated than traditional real estate purchases. The steps need to be done properly and in order.

The Incredible Benefits Of Co-Ownership

The Incredible Benefits Of Co-Ownership

The need for affordable, secure housing investments has never been greater, which is why co-ownership in real estate is a serious and viable option for many who want to invest in their home. There are many benefits to choosing co-ownership as a method of home ownership, however, there are some unique challenges that a co-owned real estate purchase can present.