Making Your Legal Agreement: Rights and Responsibilities


A good legal agreement can lower the risk of a broken co-purchasing arrangement. By discussing future potential scenarios and their legal ramifications in detail, your group can limit future ambiguity and develop shared understandings that can foster group security.

We recommend including the following in your group’s Legal Agreement:

  • Rights and responsibilities of each member of your purchasing group

  • Financial obligations

  • Future scenarios 

Over the next three sections, we will be covering the three important features to include in your legal agreement. Starting now with Rights and Responsibilities!


Rights And Responsibilities

It can be useful to include all or aspects of your Group Agreement as part of your Legal Agreement. As a group, you can decide which of these commitments from your Group Agreement you would like to make legally binding. This might include (but isn’t limited to) your commitments with respect to:

  • Mortgage Payment Schedule 

  • Funds Required for Maintenance

  • Chore Schedules / Shared Efforts 

  • Use of Space

  • Noise and Privacy

It may also suit your group to include remedies for particular scenarios or disputes in your Legal Agreement. If your group is comfortable creating contractual obligations for certain aspects of your household functioning, then you could include these in your Legal Agreement as well. 


What, if any, commitments stated in your Group Agreement do you want include in your legal agreement? 

Commitment Included in Legal Agreement:
Yes / No
Details: What must happen? Remedy in case of default by member
Payment Schedules
Chore Schedules
Shared Labour / Resources
Use of Space / Privacy / Noise
Maintenance of other Shared assets e.g. car
Decision-making power, or communication commitments i.e. attendance at house meetings

You may want to designate someone who is the first to call in case of emergencies, or a hierarchy. What is the hierarchy of emergency contacts?

1. Emergency contact 1
2. Emergency contact 2
3.Emergency contact 3

The next section will cover Financial Obligations!


How Do You Create Your Legal Agreement?

Click on the sections below to learn more.

  1. Introduction to Creating Your Legal Agreement

  2. Types of Legal Arrangements

  3. What You Need - Rights and Responsibilities

  4. What You Need - Financial Obligations

  5. What You Need - Future Scenarios

  6. Finding A Lawyer and Frequently Asked Questions

What are all the Steps to Becoming a Co-owner?

Click on the links below for all the blog articles related to each step.

  1. Familiarize Yourself with Co-Ownership

  2. Finding Your Purchasing Group

  3. Building Your Financial Model

  4. Creating Your Group Agreement

  5. Making Your Legal Agreement

  6. Finding Your Property

Review these key areas when deciding as a group what will be included in your Legal Agreement. This will save you an enormous amount of your lawyer’s time. This preparation is the difference between billings for 3 hours vs. 30 hours!
— Ryan Martin, Aura LLP Partner

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