Andreas Kalogiannides, Lesley Tenaglia, Lesli Gaynor and Ryan Martin answer artists questions about co-housing.
Home should be a place of stability, inspiring self-expression and creativity. However, rising rent costs in Toronto and a shortage of affordable housing makes finding a home an anxiety-inducing experience for many artists in our city.
During our 'Creative Co-Buying: Artists Talk Housing' event hosted last night at Yong Space in the Downtown Young BIA, attendees discussed how creative approaches to home co-ownership and co-living could be an affordable option for artists looking to purchase property in Toronto.
Lesli Gaynor, Lesley Tenaglia, Ryan Martin and Andreas Kalogiannides provided detailed and thoughtful insight on real estate, financing and law aspects of co-ownership to attendees, speaking to their needs as creative individuals and communities.
Here are some questions asked during the lively discussion:
How do you incorporate noise levels and visual art into a co-ownership agreement?
Can co-ownership work with mixed commercial and residential units? What are the pros and cons?
Can you write off part of your expenses on the property as a self-employed artist?
With rising home prices and rents will Toronto’s artists and be forced to move to neighbouring towns, leaving us with a homogenized city?
The networking session fostered further connections and conversations, with incredible music from DJ Beat Sampras.
For information on upcoming events visit our Events page. If you have any questions about the co-ownership process, contact Lesli or take a look at our tools and resources.